Rona Peart SynOptics Communications, Inc. (408) 764-7352 UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE STANDARDIZES ON SYNOPTICS Manageability, Cost Savings and Simplicity Are Winning Factors CINCINNATI, OHIO, EDUCOM CONFERENCE, October 18, 1993 - SynOptics Communications, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, today announced that the University of Tennessee has standardized on SynOptics' intelligent hubs. Challenged by an extremely heterogeneous computing and networking environment, a demanding user base and a need to stay on the leading edge of information technology, the university chose SynOptics as its standard for new LAN connections. The University of Tennessee serves a growing population that is currently between 4,000 and 5,000 end users - staff, students and faculty - on 40 different LANs at its main campus in Knoxville. Some of these users are themselves leading developers of computer and networking technologies and require leading-edge technology for their work. On the other hand, the university's network must also serve novice and mid-level staff, faculty and students who may never have accessed a network before. In the past, the university has installed a vast array of computing systems - IBM mainframes, Digital VAXs, PCs, UNIX systems and Apple Macintoshes - linked by a variety of networking types, including diverse LAN and host-to-terminal systems. In order to consolidate the LAN portion of its network, the university decided to standardize on a few leading providers, such as SynOptics, Cisco and SunConnect. The University is linking all new network installations with a combination of the SynOptics' Ethernet workgroup and modular hubs, which provide a cost-effective yet flexible means of providing "anywhere to anywhere" access to all users on the network. "Our primary concern was to get a better handle on our network," said Ed Mahon, assistant director for UT's Computing Center. "As a result, we needed to consolidate on a few strategic vendors who could help us grow in a heterogeneous environment, plus give us the right management capabilities. SynOptics not only had all the hardware choices we needed, but their Optivity(tm) network management system gave us a level of manageability we didn't have before. Plus, it worked with the platform we hadready chosen, which was SunNet Manager. And because SynOptics also works with Cisco and others, we found we could manage all their products together very easily." Cost savings and simplified administration of the network are two more criteria which are important to the university. The university has begun installing SynOptics products and plans to continue doing so for new LAN connections. SynOptics Communications is a leading supplier of networking products and management systems to organizations worldwide. SynOptics delivers the network fabric - a managed, high-speed communications system that supports new classes of enterprise and multi-enterprise applications. With the intelligent hub as its key building block, the network fabric seamlessly integrates emerging technologies with existing network equipment to create a transparent, self-managing system that easily expands and evolves as an organization grows. SynOptics, founded in 1985, is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif. and has more than 50 offices worldwide. SynOptics is publicly traded over the counter under the NASDAQ symbol SNPX. # # # SynOptics and Optivity are trademarks and SynOptics Communications is a registered trademark of SynOptics Communications, Inc. All other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.